Affirmation Alphabet Graphic | Growth Mindset | Confidence | Resilience

Challenge to Change GRAPHIC PreK Mantra Affirmation Alphabet.pdf


This lesson on the Affirmation Alphabet aims to empower students with positive self-talk tools, helping them to build a strong foundation of self-esteem and resilience.

Introduction (20 minutes):

  • Start with a brief discussion on what affirmations are and why they are important.
    • Define affirmations: Positive statements that can help you challenge and overcome negative thoughts and self-doubt.
    • Provide a few examples (e.g., "I am brave," "I am capable," "I am kind").
    • Ask students if they have ever said something positive to themselves and how it made them feel.
  • Introducing the Affirmation Alphabet:
    • Display the Affirmation Alphabet graphic prominently in the classroom.
    • Explain that each letter of the alphabet is paired with a positive affirmation (e.g., A is for Awesome, B is for Brave).
    • Go through each letter and its corresponding affirmation with the class.
    • Encourage students to repeat each affirmation out loud.
    • After going through the alphabet, ask students to share which affirmation they liked the most and why.

Creating Personal Affirmations (25 minutes):

    • Hand out paper and pencils/crayons.
    • Ask students to choose their favorite letter and create their own affirmation for it.
    • Encourage them to illustrate their affirmation with a drawing if time permits.
    • Allow students to share their affirmations with the class.

Closing (15 minutes):

    • Create a classroom display of their work to reinforce the positive messages.
    • Remind students that affirmations can help them feel more confident and positive.
    • Discuss how these affirmations can be used in their daily lives.

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